I was reading a book on “100 Greatest Men of All Time”. Some of them were philosophers, some were religious figures and some were inventors. Everyone had a legacy of ideas. But what about the person who is Superior in ideas. Someone who facilitates motivates and changes lives through Superior ideas and Superior values. Someone who is the emblem of success.

You all know that fall of an apple, the invention of the bulb and measurement of the earth are the ideas that changed our perception of life in a Superior way. Even the founder of Facebook has made our social lives Superior. This is a story of a person who believes in himself. For the last two decades, Pakistan has not witnessed Superior leader who is a firm believer of change through education. We have no parallel exemplary leadership in this aspect. In this male dominated society he is blessed with an extraordinary woman who has worked for the empowerment of woman through entrepreneurship.It’s not about ideas it’s about making ideas happen. Ever heard of Emotional Intelligence? Thousands of miles away two foreigners came up with this idea

He facilitated people in achieving their dreams by emotionally winning their hearts. “A leader who rules without a sword”.

Every year he was a helping hand behind the success of so many young aspirants. The whole journey of this Superior leader is based on a single idea. Let us decipher this journey it all started with the year 2000 when the first stone was laid for Superior College. The wheels of this educational train were moving very fast. The year 2002 Superior got recognition. Years were just numbers. God was giving him ideas and he was not disappointing his faith Master. Some students wanted to become legal experts. The year 2005 marked the entry of Law College. He was never short of brilliance. He was working on this ideology “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest”. In the year 2007, this empire was a Superior group of Colleges. Some students wanted to construct new Pakistan. In the year2009 Engineering department was established. Some students wanted to cure diseases of the people of this country. The year 2011 was the year of MedicalCollege. Some students wanted to change the world with the pen. Biggest battles are not fought on the field but with the pen. In 2013, we had Nai Baat newspaper. Some students wanted to control minds of masses. In the year 2015, we hadhorizons. I have not seen him waiting for the Sun to rise. “Every little help”, fits best on him, who could have imagined a driver’s daughter would pursue her dreams through merit in the same college where he drives.“A leader is the one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way”.

This invincible man was a force behind Superior Ideas against all odds he initiated “Idea Croron Ka”.Pakistan’s first ever” Business Reality Show”. This show is not all about giving cars and bikes it is all about praising ideas.



He believes in educating at a wider level. He made the people believe they are the Master of their own faith and Captain of their souls. And true emblem of Iqbal’s poetry “Apne man me doob ke paja sooraghe zindagi”.When he stepped in the media world, it was full of programs without purpose and when he wanted to change the mindset, industry said this is what people want. He took the responsibility of educating them and successfully educated audience. “Idea The distressed environment is looming large on minds of our youth. The initiative of ‘IDEA CRORON KA’ is the ray of light for our youth. If you have a vision and you are talented then a great idea can change your life forever. After reading this Quranic verse “A man achieves what he strives for”- you get to know this is not a simple verse, it has an emotional connection that leads you towards destination of success


CMACED in collaboration with Neo TV has set a precedence that will help to build economically Superior Pakistan. Season 1 had 24 different ideas out of them 7 won worth 120 million. Business Tycoons participated as investor Angels. The innovative ideas were so compelling that investors did not let these businesses from their hands. The same magical collaboration between CMACED and team ICK is ready to do more wonders at Superior Entrepreneurial Expo 2017.Expo will showcase more than 100 ideas presented by 500 Superior students with 50 mentors. Now Pakistan stands with CPEC where we will be in liaison with more than 40 different countries with multiple business opportunities. Now with ICK and expo at our hand, we can proudly say we are progressing towards economically Superior Pakistan.

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